09-18-2019, 08:23 AM
I have an idea regarding flockzombies:
Right now, coagulated gnesis eats a person's blood, causes ominous messages to appear in the chat, makes you hear flockdrone beeping sounds, and eventually gibs you and spawns an AI-controlled flockdrone. I was thinking we could change coagulated gnesis to change people into flockzombies instead. Here is a step-by-step guide of the process:
Right now, coagulated gnesis eats a person's blood, causes ominous messages to appear in the chat, makes you hear flockdrone beeping sounds, and eventually gibs you and spawns an AI-controlled flockdrone. I was thinking we could change coagulated gnesis to change people into flockzombies instead. Here is a step-by-step guide of the process:
- Combat drones will have an auto-injector full of coagulated gnesis they can spend materials to refill. They can either inject corpses with it to reanimate them into a flockzombie, or inject living players to slowly convert them
- When a living player is injected, the coagulated gnesis will eat their blood like it does now, but it will also simulate the effects of blood in their body, preventing them from getting bloodloss symptoms.
- Once the coagulated gnesis exceeds 100 units, they will begin receiving the ominous messages/sounds they get now, but also with symptoms similar to borg conversion (eg: random brute damage, stuns, character begging others to help them)
- Once the coagulated gnesis exceeds 250 units (ie: more than half their blood is gnesis), they will have a chance every cycle to become a flockzombie. Dying at any point with coagulated gnesis inside them will instantly convert them.
- Flockzombies will also inject small amounts of gnesis every time they attack something, creating a zombie apocalypse of sorts.