08-29-2019, 05:05 AM
As an alternative, it may be worthwhile to make Security headsets immune to stuns caused by hootingium - at least for anyone that spawns as Security (so you couldn't find any in the lockers, though maybe a few pairs in the armory/HoS' locker)
This solves the issue of flashbangs being near useless or even detrimental to Security while still not having to make tweaks to existing chemicals - just a new headset type that includes the property of noise protection. Essentially a combination of a Security headset and Ear plugs (the ones that come with sonic grenades). This should probably also reduce the TC cost of sonic grenades a little, as they become useless against Security and are best suited for handling large mobs of angry spacemen/shattering windows.
This solves the issue of flashbangs being near useless or even detrimental to Security while still not having to make tweaks to existing chemicals - just a new headset type that includes the property of noise protection. Essentially a combination of a Security headset and Ear plugs (the ones that come with sonic grenades). This should probably also reduce the TC cost of sonic grenades a little, as they become useless against Security and are best suited for handling large mobs of angry spacemen/shattering windows.