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Stop flashpowder stunning through sunglasses, Add 'Flash' grenades
Yeah this is the part that's confusing me.

TD, Flashbangs not only have flash powder in them, but hootonium also. So of course a flashbang would effect anyone wearing a pair of shades at a distance, not because of the flashpowder but because of the hootonium.

Although as you've noted that this doesn't seem to be the case chemically, this doesn't really take away from the fact how flashbangs currently function, as they'll still have hootonium in them.

Perhaps a minor change to how Hootonium works, and as such - Flashbangs? In line with my previous post, increase the effective range of the flashbang but reduce the effective range of hootonium. This is difficult to explain without a picture:

[Image: wZRp3wy.png]
This is the tweak that I was trying to portray. This change might be what you're looking for.

Quick Edit: I'mma hop into the game and do some testing to give you actual figures of what I mean by "effective range". Increasing the effective range of the flashpowder by 1 tiles and reduce the effective range of sonic powder/hoot by 1 tile gives you a that yellow range where only flashpowder effects you of 2 tile circumference. Again, need to actually fully test before I blab on.

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RE: Stop flashpowder stunning through sunglasses, Add 'Flash' grenades - by Sundance - 08-29-2019, 04:58 AM

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