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Stop flashpowder stunning through sunglasses, Add 'Flash' grenades
Flashbangs already do significantly less to you if you're wearing sunglasses as far as I can tell and do literally nothing if you go out of your way to get ear protection and also have eye protection. I like current flashbangs; they have the advantage of not having to land a specific click and the disadvantage of being able to hit the user. It means that you have to use them like an actual flashbang (or they feel like a game-y representation of that feeling) by throwing them into rooms and being mindful of where they go off. If you want to be immune to them, you have to take the disadvantage of not being able to hear. It's an interesting balance IMO.

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RE: Stop flashpowder stunning through sunglasses, Add 'Flash' grenades - by Flaborized - 08-28-2019, 10:35 AM

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