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Stop flashpowder stunning through sunglasses, Add 'Flash' grenades
Sonic powder has existed as the key stunning component of flashbangs for a very long time, yet, for some reason, flash powder still stuns through sunglasses, making it useless to those concerned with ONLY stunning people with no sunglasses (Like security guards, or scientists with their sunglasses) 

As a matter of fact, this makes flashpowder explosives useless for security, as they end up disorienting the thrower (and all the gung-ho sec officers that charge in with them), making them extremely hard for Security to use.

By extension, adding a new 'Flash' grenade, using solely this new flash powder, would also mean that security officers have a safe crowd disabler at the cost of reliability.

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Stop flashpowder stunning through sunglasses, Add 'Flash' grenades - by TDHooligan - 08-28-2019, 09:37 AM

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