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Goonstation Monthly Contest: August Edition!
Hi everyone! Welcome back to another edition of the Goonstation Monthly Contest. It's incredible how time passes by so quickly! I hope your August so far has been enjoyable and full of sunshine and bees bee

Like the previous contests, you'll have a shot at winning a beautiful Gannets sticker, shiny Byond hub medals (complete with some neat ingame rewards), and some pretty sweet bragging rights

Variety is good, and so this month we're asking you to submit a Space Station 13 inspired work of art. That includes drawings, sprites, photos, music, poems, sculptures, food, and more. As long as you employ your artistic sensibilities (yes, the work of art should be yours, and not someone else's), your submission should be good to go. We do reserve the right to disqualify particularly low effort submissions (no, a single "poo" is not a work of art), but we'll try our best to notify those submitters soon after they post, so they can resubmit. 

You can only make one submission, so give it your best shot (but feel free to swap if you come up with a better one). Submissions will close on the 23rd. The voting period will last for a week, and then we'll announce the top three. 

The prize tiers are as follows:
Winner: Gannets sticker, top 3 medal (and a cool ingame reward), bragging rights
Two runner-ups: top 3 medal (and a cool ingame reward), bragging rights
Everyone who qualified: participation medal (and a different but also cool ingame reward), bragging rights

If you'd like to provide suggestions or feedback for this or future contests, please feel free to reach out on Discord and let us know! Thank you again for being a part of the Goonstation community, and have a great rest of the month! Submit 2day! spider

Question: Can we submit multiple sprites?
Answer: Yes, you can submit multiple of any one type of art as long as they're in one post and have a nice collection name (e.g. "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Clown").

Messages In This Thread
Goonstation Monthly Contest: August Edition! - by Flourish - 08-05-2019, 06:20 PM
RE: Goonstation Monthly Contest: August Edition! - by jack7d1 - 08-14-2019, 02:22 AM

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