Logique's HoS Application
I do have to agree with OMJ's points on this one. Your head is certainly in the right place, and with time I think you'd make an excellent HoS. However, you do struggle with certain things like emotion as you have pointed out. Ignoring what you're feeling and relying on logic is difficult to manage, especially when the person you have in cuffs his berating you incessantly. Until then I'm going to give a +0 on this one. If I happen to see something that changes my mind, I'll adjust it to a +1.

On a side note, I would like to elaborate on the changeling story a little bit, since it was one of my favorite antag rounds.

So the changeling battle was where things got confusing. I had managed to mind slave Security AND get two traitor PDAs. I was effectively a cloaking, gun toting murder machine by the time the fight happened. The fight itself was the best I've ever seen. We were shooting each other with acid and guns, ripping each others arms off, and punching each other into tables. Eventually I managed to stun the Shambling Horror long enough for me to devour it, at which point my DNA count rose to 16. There was a bit of confusion though, as my mindslaves thought I was the one who got eaten and not the other way around. They fled, and I eventually broke out of Security. When I got out, I immediatly tried to eat someone only to find out that they had a c-saber on them. I got c-sabered to hell and back and died, but not before head spidering the traitor when they were sure I was dead. They failed to notice until it was too late, so I got a c-saber and a new body. I then attempted to reconcile with Marvin before realizing that his mindslave was up. At which point a battle started between Marvin, armed with a loaf, and a shambling horror with a c-saber. Turns out loaves insta crit and stun, so Marvin got a hold of my saber and impaled me with it. At that point, the microbombs in my new body went off, exploding and killing everyone in the courtroom.

Messages In This Thread
Logique's HoS Application - by Logique - 07-26-2019, 10:32 PM
RE: Logique's HoS Application - by OMJ - 07-27-2019, 01:24 AM
RE: Logique's HoS Application - by WhatATerribleUserName - 07-27-2019, 08:40 AM
RE: Logique's HoS Application - by Firebarrage - 08-15-2019, 09:44 AM

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