WhatATerribleUserName's HOS Application
Usual character name: Jebediah Hawkins

BYOND username: WhataTerribleUserName

Recommended by (if applicable): TDHooligan

Goon servers you play: Goon 2, Goon 1

Reason for application: 
During my time as Security, I've noticed it lacked proper leadership most of the time. I generally enjoy coordinating and helping the Security team, especially new officers, and I feel I would be better equipped to do that as HoS.

Security experience (300 word minimum):
 I mainly started out of a curiosity for the job, mostly because of the stigma surrounding it, and I quickly found it to be one my favorites. I've donned the red jumpsuit many times, and have months of experience with Security Officer and Detective. I have, during this time period, dealt with every antag this game has to offer, and have an extensive knowledge of the threats they can pose. I have a comprehensive understanding of the main mechanics involving Security, as well as the mechanics of most other departments. I've also had a large amount of experience with helping organize and direct the Security. 

I've come to learn that the best approach to Security is a balanced one, making sure the station stays in order while still making sure players have fun. If Security is too lenient/understaffed, it will lead to a traitor killing half the station early in the round and leaving a large amount of players frustrated and angry. While on the other hand, an oppressive and tyrannical Security team leads to officers beating people into critical condition for minor offenses, and punishing crew with obscene jail times, ultimately resulting in a large amount of players bored and angry. Good rounds are often the result of Security and the chaos of station being in balance, this stops most cases of blatant murder and rampages, while still allowing fun gimmicks to take place on station, creating a more enjoyable round for the station as a whole.

Using the full arsenal of Security is also incredible useful, as many of the more untouched pieces of equipment can actually be far handier than your standard taser and baton. The computers in Security can be used to set arrest statuses, add notes to a person's file, and identify prints. The Port-a-Brig can keep a particularly hard to catch criminal still far better than a pair of cuffs can, and instantly deliver a criminal to Security if you catch them in a dangerous area or you're missing a pair of cuffs.

What advice would you give to other sec players?:
Always avoid using lethal force. Killing antagonists outright should only be used as a last resort, it's much better to bring in someone alive.

Have fun and interact with antags. Hold trials for prisoners, be more lenient on gimmicky and fun antags, and generally try and go along with gimmicks.

Communicate with your team at all times. Good communication can stop a lot of the confusion a round has and lead to more effective Security team. Doing small things like telling someone you're going into a dangerous situation or telling everyone the status of a criminal can save your life and make the round more enjoyable for everyone.

Find someone to patrol with. It's harder to get picked off by an antag if there is two of you, and a partner can go a long way in helping solve mysteries and dealing with difficult situations.

What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one):
One of my favorite moments as Security was actually during one of my first rounds as an officer. I had been patrolling with someone all round, and we were confronted with a murder case. We had gotten split up, though I had managed to track the killer down. What I did not expect was him to have a Security items. He stunned me, took away my gear, and handcuffed me to a chair. Thankfully, after some waiting, my partner busted down the door guns blazing and managed to save my life It was incredibly memorable and probably my favorite moment.

Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13:
Roses are red
Help, I'm being griefed by John Boot
He stole my clown mask and threw me in a garbage chute.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None

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WhatATerribleUserName's HOS Application - by WhatATerribleUserName - 07-01-2019, 01:31 AM

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