Newtonsolo's Mentor Application
Usual character name: Lorenzo Death, Lorenzo Blessig, Istvan Bathory, Larry Dean
BYOND username: Newtonsolo313
Recommended by (if applicable): I was encouraged by fosstar and floorpills to apply on 05/23/18 on the discord
Goon servers you play:
Goonstation Roleplay (current)
Goonstation (Former)
Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): 
I joined byond on may 14th 2017, and I started playing nearly immediately that puts me at 2 years and a month of playing goonstation. Albeit I have played it on and off but i keep coming back to goonstation because it is an experience I just can't find anywhere else.
I decided to write this application after a relatively new player said that I was a "pro"(I dont think this counts as a reccomendation) 
I want to become a mentor so more people can experience this game. SS13 is a very confusing game when you are first starting out because the amount of systems is enormous, the game is absurdly chaotic, and the information on how to play it is not immediately obvious. By being a mentor I can help people who are confused and prevent them from quitting on a first impression. hell, my first round I wandered around confused as hell and got mindslaved.
I am fairly sure I know my stuff. I know about pretty much every system in the game and at least the basics of how it works. I do have to reference the wiki from time to time but arguably that is a more effective skill than trying to memorize every recipe in the game. I have played every standard job on station and many of the additional or job of the day ones too. I know the layout of all the maps in rotation except for horizon.
Most importantly however I know the rules of what to do and what not to do both on the RP server and in general
I am active in the solarium discord even though I have not been on as many outings to the adventure zones as I would like and I have figured out nitroglycerin and silver fulminate.
The two big flaws in my knowledge are pathology and atmospherics, even with the wiki I cannot create pathogens, canbombs, or hellburn with the sort of effectiveness that I have seen others get to.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): No previous bans

Messages In This Thread
Newtonsolo's Mentor Application - by Newtonsolo - 06-25-2019, 12:44 PM
RE: Newtonsolo's Mentor Application - by Drago156 - 06-25-2019, 01:28 PM

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