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make the HoS app easier/simpler/trial hos rounds
I'd been considering applying for a long time now but it is solely the volume of words holding me back. Respectfully, I really can't be bothered to write a huge essay for a section that I'm pretty sure is best filled with nothing other than waffling about the 'importance of security and why I'm a super respectful fun guy who is also robust I promise' as an effort barrier. I think people offering themselves up to be HoS should generally be people that play enough under one name to at least be known, as a HoS with a random unrecognisable name is pretty hard to respect.

I can't really think of many cases where someone puts their application and going to be recognised as experienced when their name shows up as HoS, but is somehow unknown to the people making the decision on if they're suited for the role in the first place.

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RE: make the HoS app easier/simpler/trial hos rounds - by TDHooligan - 06-15-2019, 05:47 PM

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