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New Telescience proposal
Telescience now becomes an ender pearl throwing machine.
Instead of inputting three numbers into the computer, you now input four:
You can input horizontal direction (in degrees), power (in m/s) and vertical direction (in degrees) into the telescience computer, and where a theoretical "projectile" that would be affected only by a constant G (9.8 by default) which would be launched with those parameters you input would land, that would be the teleportation coordinate, with the launch base being a random coordinate ( subject to change ). Fourth number is Z-level. So it would sorta work like an artillery gun.
For horizontal direction 0 degrees is up ( north ) with 360 being the max, for vertical direction 0 degrees is parallel to the ground with 90 degrees being the max, and power can be some large arbitrary value, which is the base speed of the "projectile".

Example of how this system would work:
Lets say that the base launch coordinate of the teleporter is 50 50 on Z 1.
If you set the horizontal direction to 45, vertical direction to 45 and power to 14. The end coordinate would be (64, 64)
Let me go over how this math works -
i'm pretty sure there is a formula for this, but I'm too lazy to figure it out
Vertical Direction will now be simply aY, and base
Using vertical direction and power, we get a velocity vector (cos(aY),sin(aY))*power which is (cos(45),sin(45))*14 which is approximately (10,10)
Since G is 9.8 m/s^2, the "projectile" would land after approximately 2 seconds, because it would take approx 1 second to fully decelerate and the same time to land. ( acceleration is ~10 m/s^2 and velocity is ~10 m/s, so logically it takes 2 seconds for the velocity Y to become the opposite )
In those two seconds, the projectile travels 20 meters ( 2 seconds at 10 m/s ) This distance will now be simply labelled "len"
The time the "projectile" travels also could be used as teleporter delay, and then multiplied by the absolute Z-difference between station Z-level and wherever
you're launching + 1, for example.
You can calculate all of this using this:

Now to get a vector with our specified horizontal direction ( aX ) we need to do the same thing we did earlier, just different numbers.
We get a vector (cos(aX),sin(aX))*len which is (cos(45),sin(45))*20 which is (14,14).
We add that vector to the vector of the base launch coordinate and get (64,64).
Easy as pie! (correct me if im wrong on any of the math)

A new feature that could make use of this could be a way for research to get more money into their research budget:
Centcomm supplies Research/the RD with a list of 3-dimensional coordinates and their Z-level values at shift-start/upon request (but with a cooldown), and telescience must launch trajectories that would pass through the designated points, or at least very close (could be something like +-1 from within the point on any of the axis, so if centcomm needs a trajectory that goes through 9, 3, 5, you  could make a trajectory that goes through 8, 4, 4 and still get money into the budget )
Perhaps let Research order a list of artifact coordinates using Research budget,  and making a trajectory that passes *exactly* through the coordinate and pressing receive would give Research a super-cool artifact ( but only once ) In fact, this can even be a seperate system for something like the experimental long-range teleport as a way for Research to gain money and artifacts, and leave old telescience intact.

There could be more random things other than Z levels and the base coordinate. For example, the G constant can be a random one, or the power/velocity would be a random fixed value each round. The possibilities are endless!

Messages In This Thread
New Telescience proposal - by drWoof - 06-12-2019, 02:43 PM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by cyberTripping - 06-13-2019, 01:36 PM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by aft2001 - 06-14-2019, 03:33 AM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by drWoof - 06-14-2019, 07:24 AM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by Recusor - 06-14-2019, 07:36 AM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by Frank_Stein - 06-14-2019, 10:27 AM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by drWoof - 06-14-2019, 10:35 AM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by Frank_Stein - 06-14-2019, 02:48 PM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by Roomba - 06-14-2019, 09:43 PM
RE: New Telescience proposal - by Frank_Stein - 06-15-2019, 02:23 AM

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