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Cogwerk's Ailments! The end of Crit! A glorious new day!
Dr. Kay / InfiniteMonkeys suggested changing the hard death cap at -100.

if(src.brainloss >= 90 && <= -100 || <= -300)

     if(-9999999999 to -100)
        src.contract_disease(new/datum/ailment/disability/flatline, 1, 0)

I'm gonna try this out instead of having death() called at the current cap.
You'll keep flatlining if your health is below -100, -100 health + 90 or more brainloss will kill you outright, and brainloss will rapidly accrue while flatlined.
If not treated, I'd like to aim for braindeath taking about thirty seconds past hitting -100 health.

Of course the flatline disability will have shocks as a cure, but if you don't fix the health problem, they'll just keep flatlining again as they get burned to hell by doctors yelling CLEAR and slamming the patient into an electrified grille or whatever.

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