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Trivial the artlab pitcher is actually useless
the "power" setting adjusts how far the pitched object will travel (direct number-to-tiles-moved) and the speed (1/2 power = speed)

but none of this has any impact at all on how much force is imparted on something hit by it, at all. setting the pitcher to 3 (or however far away the target is) is functionally equal to setting it to 100

artifact stimuli and throwing in general seems to be based on an item's throwforce, and not anything related to how far an object went or how far it would still go. e.g. if you try to throw an item five tiles beyond an obstacle, it's the same as throwing it directly at the obstacle - the remaining 'distance' it had to travel isn't used in any sort of calculation

the net result of this is that you can just ignore the pitcher entirely and activating artifacts is just a matter of finding the item with the highest throwforce, which generally boils down to plasma glass shards (20) or rods (15). anything over 20 is impossible to activate without a high enough levelĀ loaf or a gun with .22 rounds (or more)

(as a side note martian arts can require force > 20 but also take damage from force >= 20 which makes activating them kind of crap)

this could be reworked to be something of a game mechanic where throwing things "past" what you want them to hit imparts more "force" because you're trying to throw it farther & harder. so throwing something right at a person might result them getting gently smacked by it, but throwing something at the edge of your screen will hurt the person standing right in front of you since you're effectively throwing it full blast one tile away

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the artlab pitcher is actually useless - by Zamujasa - 06-09-2019, 03:11 PM

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