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Sol Run- Antag Tokens
I think the abrupt end of round that Sol causes is also frustrating to nonantags. There's been a few recent instances where I was quite enjoying a good round as a nonantag and it ended earlier than I would've preferred because somebody ran Sol. The shuttle typically is expected to be called when the players want the round to end, Sol just kind of happens.

I'm against a player-driven way to generate antag tokens. They're supposed to be an "I'm sorry about my admin stuff fucking up your round/the server crashing", not a "another player did something that messed up your antag round here have another". The situations where we give people antag tokens should be accidental, we don't want players to get into situations where they should be given an antag token because that intrinsically means that something bad happened; we don't want people's antag rounds to just poof, even if we give them a token to make up for it. Once again, I think the primary problem is that it suddenly ends the round. It's a cool and dramatic effect but the gameplay implications of it are not 100% fun and it sucks for people who were enjoying the round, antag or not.

Messages In This Thread
Sol Run- Antag Tokens - by Tewf - 06-08-2019, 07:10 PM
RE: Sol Run- Antag Tokens - by Flaborized - 06-08-2019, 07:21 PM
RE: Sol Run- Antag Tokens - by Technature - 06-08-2019, 07:31 PM
RE: Sol Run- Antag Tokens - by Tewf - 06-08-2019, 07:39 PM

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