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Decrease the time between spy bounties
I was recently thinking about how to improve spy thief, and one of the main ways I could see it being improved is reducing the amount of time between bounty updates. Right now with bounty updates set to every 15 minutes, if you manage to get 2 items per round, it'll take you until at least 35 minutes or so before you can get a tracker and start hunting other spies. By decreasing the time between bounties. Not only does it decrease the amount of time for the end game, it'll help cycle through more objectives leading to more potential interactions with crew members in the same time frame. This also gives newer players who may not be familiar with the objective items/locations to get involved as they might see more items they're familiar with.

While I'm not sure on the exact time I'd decrease it to, 10 - 12.5 minutes seems like it'd help speed up the round without drastically impacting the balance. I just really enjoy spy thief, but I feel like it has a bit too much dead time or too few interactions for most of the crew. Let me know what you think of the idea!

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Decrease the time between spy bounties - by moistgrandmas42 - 06-08-2019, 07:20 PM

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