Mentor Application: ValiantD
Since there's no known template for the Mentorship position, I'll try to at least make it look presentable.

Name: Val
BYOND Key: ValiantD
SA name: N/A
In-Game Name: Several. It changes regularly, but I do play a few 'characters'.

Times of Availability:
Varies, but usually either early morning (0000-0600) or mid-day (1600-2200) on any given weekday. Late evenings (1800-0200) on weekends. Subject to change, depending on circumstances.

Game Experience:
I have been playing SS13 fairly regularly now for about a month or two. In that time I have learned nearly everything there is to know about every job position or antagonist role on the station, save for security/heads.

I have a basic but sufficient understanding of the game interface and mechanics. I am very patient and would not mind demonstrating or going step-by-step on certain procedures to ensure someone understands what they're doing.

Why Mentorship?:
To help new players with the learning curve, to guide regulars with certain roles, and generally to try and see to it that the shittiness of the game's platform doesn't cause too many headaches. I wouldn't mind volunteering for inane demonstrations should the need arise or give out tips that can lead in the right direction.

I play regularly enough that I can be available at times that are the most and least frequently populated by players. I can quickly adapt to changes within the game such as those mentioned in the changelogs and pick up a new skill relatively quickly. Otherwise, the prospect of mentorship is one that I would take without hesitation or consideration that it may cut into my own interests.

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