05-22-2019, 04:06 AM
A symptom that occasionally turns you incorporeal, letting you walk through walls and preventing anything from hitting you
A super kawaii symptom where early symptoms force you into help intent, later stages force everyone around you into help intent as well, turns your face into a permanent Uguu mask
A symptom that makes your sneezes/coughs/farts eject useful items. (Money, pills of beneficial chems, weapons?) Needs to be combined with another symptom that actually causes sneezing/coughing/farting
A super kawaii symptom where early symptoms force you into help intent, later stages force everyone around you into help intent as well, turns your face into a permanent Uguu mask
A symptom that makes your sneezes/coughs/farts eject useful items. (Money, pills of beneficial chems, weapons?) Needs to be combined with another symptom that actually causes sneezing/coughing/farting