11-04-2012, 06:51 PM
Just now on Gibbed 3 I was playing HoS. I saw some dude dragging the detective, but lost him. Then it turns out the AI saw that dude dead in space, stripped. I assumed changeling, and began to patrol. Immediately said changeling ran up and spat me down. He drug me into space, but I was lucky enough to come back from being spat on before space managed to take me down again. I had enough time to tase him, hoping I'd at least delay him long enough for something to happen in the crew's favor. I didn't realize that he had just released the singularity. We were near the singularity. As my corpse was sucked into it's maw, I saw his (Still standing mind you) body be drawn into it as well without him having any way to fight it. HoS: 0 Changeling: 0. Still counts.