06-28-2013, 06:42 AM
Here's my idea for a riot shield:
- super-huge, can't be put in a backpack, but can be worn on your back
- while holding it, thrown items do not hit you
- if you hit someone with it, it'll start trying to knock them out, styled like the chef's rolling pin (except not totally shit like that is)
- a harm-intent hit starts trying to properly bonk them to death, damage like a toolbox I guess
- maybe you can only hold one at a time idk
OK well that's it really, based for defense and no bonuses to not being able to be hit except by projectiles
- super-huge, can't be put in a backpack, but can be worn on your back
- while holding it, thrown items do not hit you
- if you hit someone with it, it'll start trying to knock them out, styled like the chef's rolling pin (except not totally shit like that is)
- a harm-intent hit starts trying to properly bonk them to death, damage like a toolbox I guess
- maybe you can only hold one at a time idk
OK well that's it really, based for defense and no bonuses to not being able to be hit except by projectiles