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You should be able to sleep in sleepers.
Yes, you can set the timer to be KOed for a while, but you can't do that for yourself.

You should just be able to sleep in a sleeper like you do a bed, and it should auto-inject you as it would if you were KOed manually.

The advantage of getting some slow feed of healing chems would be balanced out by the fact that you take a while to wake up from sleep, often about half a minute.

Plus it means that the sleepers without a console are basically just immobile lockers.

It would also be cool if the sleepers would periodically beep out the occupant's health:

sleeper beeps, "Pubbie Jons: unconscious, -12% healthy (20 - 0 - 22 - 70)"

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You should be able to sleep in sleepers. - by Zamujasa - 05-09-2019, 01:14 AM

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