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[FIX] - Put the POISON back in the Poison Bottle
Having run a bartender/doctor traitor about ten to the umpteenth time within the last two weeks, I've been sticking to a regimen of sleepy pens, syringe guns, and poison bottles.

The delivery systems? Excellent! The syringe gun is working far better than ever and the sleepy pen is still one hell of a viable choice.

The poisons, however?


No matter how MUCH I pour into my pen or load into my gun, it seems none of these poisons have ANY sort of kick whatsoever in putting down the crew. Curare? There's no to relax! Cyanide? No time to suffocate! Coniine? Deadly nightshade MY DYING DAY MY ASS!

They're terrible! Horrendous and terrible! Seven crystals on a cyalume is a better deal than 90 units of CRAP!

(To be fair, I'm not sure what else to suggest other than make these damn poisons worth a crystal when they're NOT named initropodril. That INCLUDES histamine.)

Putting two bottles of histamine into the captain and seeing only an itch is the worst disappointment in all of spacetime

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