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I've never been so appalled in a round than what I experienced in RP 1
I can tolerate a lot of hate in a certain scenario, I've been through a lot of things. I've done things that I know is wrong, but it's for entertainment for others as much as it also causes chaos. That is the opportunity that a clown can have. I expect to have repercussions and to be handled accordingly with my shenanigans in THAT round. I follow the guidelines of the rules to make sure I keep the heart of what they command all of us to follow. Then I run into this round that really defines all of what frustrates me about playing with this community, the clownism that is being presented. Yes, I fucking said clownism because there's no other way to describe this dumb targeted, unfiltered hate to a job that is allowed to be spawned in to. 

I've grown disgusted by the thought of even wanting to rp with any of you and I firmly hold in myself that I will make sure others can know what I also feel about this rp community. This round was the last straw that I was willing to tolerate, because no one was laughing at what was done. If any of you were, then you are truly scum.

I really don't care about the rhetoric of "Oh it's a clown, they deserve it." If you seriously hold this idea in your heart then there's a serious hypocrisy in yourself. Every single person deserves to be mistreated, not only one caste of a type of person. All of that disgusting behavior was highlighted today and I know now that this rp community of this station are mostly disgusting and I will no longer want any part of this. 

"Won't miss you" 
"Who are you?"
"Why should I care?"

None of these questions matter because this is just me holding up a mirror to how awful these community members treat others when they no real incentive to cause such awful actions to a harmless rp scenario.

Messages In This Thread
I've never been so appalled in a round than what I experienced in RP 1 - by Malerus - 05-01-2019, 01:52 PM

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