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make the HoS app easier/simpler/trial hos rounds
Sans Gerhazo (who was adminned mid app), there have been 10 HoS apps since March 2018. I think a massive issue with the lack of applications (in comparison to 2012-14) is the "how would you improve the brig" question. 

We have a lot of maps now- that question adds at least 200 words and I think that's a conservative estimate. I'm 100% certain that is the question that's holding back a ton of people from applying. If I were applying for HoS today, there's no chance I'd fill that out.

I'd also be cool with lowering the wordcount by 100 words or so but I can understand why not.

We can add a funny question over it again; something about top-tier apiarist strats, floor cluwnes, idk. That question is, as it stands, dog shit.

I've also been playing around with running trial HoS rounds where I coordinate before the round with someone who's rolling out as a cop. I change the name on my ID to their name & either kill myself or work as a vanilla officer to see how they operate. I found this quickly weeds out bad recruits (I wrote my very first -1) and lets others stand out. (I've given 3 trial HoS rounds- one uneventful where kudzu dominated the flow of the round, one terrible and another where the cop absolutely shone in a way I've never seen them before).

I'm suggesting that if a trial HoS round was completed successfully with the observing HoS also giving some sort of 50 words @ minimum review that the applicant's word count gets cut in half. There aren't many better ways to judge if someone's beret-material over actually slapping it on their head and observing them. I know I'd be willing to run a few- I'm not sure if anyone else would, but what do you guys think?

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make the HoS app easier/simpler/trial hos rounds - by OMJ - 04-29-2019, 08:42 PM

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