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How would you improve the singularity engine?
Stick a beam thingy in front of it like the thing on Hemera that shoots into the obsidian crown. Singularity no longer produces power on its own, beam has to fire into it to cause it to emit energy that can be collected. Bunch of different "beam focusing crystals" or whatever, things you can jam into the beam thingy to make it shoot different kinds of beams. Engineering should start with a few different kinds, maybe throw some weird ones out in space or let them be produced out of material science.

Different crystals cause different amounts of energy to be produced by the singularity but also cause it to do different fucked up shit. Basic one is the way it is now, a basic amount of energy but the singularity doesn't do much beyond just sit there. Other ones could make it shoot out huge amounts of murder radiation, hypnotize people and force them to walk toward it, grow gradually over time, vomit void goo and space horrors, arc flashes, fire, smaller singularities, whatever other horrible shit anyone can think of in exchange for those sweet, sweet watts.

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RE: How would you improve the singularity engine? - by Dauntasa - 04-25-2019, 11:59 PM

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