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Do not drop items when pressing Rest
Getting stunned and staying down wouldn't be as much of an issue, since you would (or should) drop your items when stunned, no? You'd have to pick them back up to use them while laying down.

Possibly make flopping add a debuff that prevents using items for a second or three? Maybe also when moving? So if you lay down you can ambush, but if you're trying to use it to dodge or otherwise flop around you can't just spring up and shoot someone.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Do not drop items when pressing Rest - by mbc - 04-16-2019, 10:53 AM
RE: Do not drop items when pressing Rest - by Zamujasa - 04-16-2019, 11:30 AM
RE: Do not drop items when pressing Rest - by mbc - 04-16-2019, 12:11 PM
RE: Do not drop items when pressing Rest - by OMJ - 04-17-2019, 01:20 PM

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