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Give wraiths ability to hear prayers
this is a cute idea but my first thought is: wouldnt this cause admin chat to fill up with unrelated garbage every wraith round as people try to commune with it

maybe it would be better if it had to be done in the chapel, or in some type of ritual circle, such that the prayer would then be flagged as "this is a wraith prayer, not an admin prayer" and not flood admin's messages

edit: of course, that would prevent the example of intercepted prayers. I think there might not be a way to implement this elegantly, honestly.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Give wraiths ability to hear prayers - by OMJ - 04-11-2019, 07:43 PM
RE: Give wraiths ability to hear prayers - by cyberTripping - 04-12-2019, 01:28 AM

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