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QDMM Ideas, Suggestions, Bug Reports, Creation Showoff, and Changelog thread
(04-10-2019, 08:07 AM)twoski Wrote: Oh i missed that. Cool.

Some other ideas for nice-to-have features.

- A toggle-able grid display that lets the user set the x and y size of grid cells.
- A ruler tool that lets you draw a line from A to B and it tells you the length.
- A work zone designation tool. Similar to the grid display except you specify a start X/Y and an end X/Y and it will grey out everything outside of the bounds of that rectangle. Would be useful for people who are setting up their initial station footprint and want to set bounds to work within.
- Support for ctrl+c and ctrl+v to quickly copy and paste the selected elements would be nice, currently you have to right click to get a context menu so you can copy and paste.
- Have it remember the DME you last loaded so you don't have to load the same one every time.
- Some hotkey to do Make Active Object where the cursor is currently, like Alt+click or something.
- If the user has several objects selected and sets the direction to north, all of them should face north. Currently only one does.

#1: Might add a grid display
#2: You can make a selection of 1*x tiles or x*1 tiles and it shows you how many tiles you have selected in the bottom left
#3: Can't you use areas for this?
#4: Working on it
#5: Working on it
#6: Working on it
#7: It only changes vars for atoms that are of the type or are a subtype of the atom you have selected in the object tree

(04-10-2019, 10:42 AM)Adhara In Space Wrote: idk if this is a thing but is there a toggle for dm keybinds? its what im used to, but im pretty sure im the only person who wants them so idk

Working on custom keybinds

Messages In This Thread
RE: QDMM Ideas, Suggestions, Bug Reports, Creation Showoff, and Changelog thread - by qwertyquerty - 04-11-2019, 07:08 AM
The terrible 2 letter bug - by twoski - 04-24-2019, 06:15 AM

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