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[Small] Ling Absorbtion should splatter some blood
I like this idea. However, the motives behind this suggestion seem to be different. Particularly, some people see it as simply a side effect of changelings' general actions during a round whereas others seem to want it to be more of a way to detect a changeling. So, there's two very similar possibilities here:

1) Whenever you eat someone, you get blood all over you and them. Basically what OP said.

2) When you eat someone, you get red sludge on you and them. Not blood, but red sludge. Essentially innards that have been partially mushed and digested. It'd be visually indistinguishable from blood, until you look more closely, when you see that the clothes are "sludge-covered" or "sludge-stained".

Option 1 just produces a side-effect of ling eating that doesn't change much to a ling's behaviors. But, option 2 would make the changeling player have to be more cautious about feasting.

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RE: [Small] Ling Absorbtion should splatter some blood - by aft2001 - 04-09-2019, 09:08 AM

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