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Monkey Controlling Helmets (Antag Item)
This is amazing and I love it.

I figured the controller helmet would just count as a mask to help make it easier for hiding, as it is a pretty interesting "helmet" design.

Anywho, after thinking about it I think the traitor items should be:
Monkey Controlling Helmet crate: 1 Controller Helmet, 3 Monkey Helmets, 3 random colored Shorts cause fuck it. 7 TC.
Monkey Controlling Helmet supplement crate:3 Monkey Helmets, 3 random colored Shorts. 4 TC

I feel the helmets should grant antag status as well, since the helmets less control monkeys and more make them smarter and able to do more complicated things for causing mischief. It basically means that, unlike the mind slave implants, monkeys are more free to do what they want if they're not specifically told to do something or can take detours (while mind slaved have to focus exclusively on their chosen task). This makes them less reliable than said mind slave.

The helmet increases their intelligence, not their attention span.

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RE: Monkey Controlling Helmets (Antag Item) - by Technature - 04-06-2019, 11:54 AM

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