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Monkey Controlling Helmets (Antag Item)
(04-05-2019, 04:54 AM)Recusor Wrote: seems like a really interesting idea! how much TC are you thinking? Maybe one item set that has controller helmet and monkey helmet, then individual other monkey helmets can be bought? Also if multiple people traitors chose control helmet being able to identify which monkeys are yours would be great, maybe similar to rev with the blue and red Rs indicating leader and followers? But with M's?

This would be especially neat to see if the banana patch was implemented where bananas can act like meth for barrel monkeys or as healing for normal ones.

Also maybe it could work as a janky mindslave for already-player-controlled monkeys?

(04-05-2019, 12:17 AM)Technature Wrote: It has also been noted that monkeys already with noticeable intelligence only benefit further from this helmet.  Such monkeys have been shown even capable of human speech.  It is important to show caution when giving a helmet to such a monkey.

Monkey Helmet:

+If you're a living monkey receiving the helmet rather than a ghost being attached to the helmet, you gain extra benefits, like being able to speak.

TC Cost is pretty tricky, as you have what's basically easy to apply permanent mindslave implants usable only on the potentially most robust players in the game that can be murdered by the AI or cyborgs without law changes, easily removed, easily detected, and potentially even turned against you if things go bad enough.  It should at least take up enough that you can't order it twice I think, as well as a smaller package you can order once after to give a couple more helmets.

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RE: Monkey Controlling Helmets (Antag Item) - by Technature - 04-05-2019, 10:44 AM

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