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Let the Blob take over the AI
Just what it said on the front. Let the Blob take over the AI. That would make up for the AI calling Blob as soon as it starts, also there is some roleplaying potential-Does anyone remember the Master of Fallout 1? Well, imagine a blob taking over the AI (that has to be like mindslaving) and then conquer the station. The blob can talk over the AI`s radio, using the voices of whoever it absorbed before. Of course the AI core has to be forbidden as a spawn zone, so the blob has to really WORK his way to the AI if he wants to become The Master.

Messages In This Thread
Let the Blob take over the AI - by Fenriswolf1991 - 04-03-2019, 12:29 PM
RE: Let the Blob take over the AI - by Crazyabe - 04-03-2019, 06:19 PM

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