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Overclocking hunger and thirst motives. (Goon 1)
Simple.  Eating a lot or drinking a lot means you won't die of hunger or thirst as quickly, though they can have drawbacks for going overboard.

Change food and thirst motive max to 200 (players still start at 100).
Food or Thirst being above 100 increases depletion rate by a small amount.
Food above 140 makes players sleepy faster.
Food at 200 causes really nasty overweight related problems.  Problems will persist until the player reaches 100 again.
Thirst above 120 causes bladder depletion faster.  The higher the thirst motive, the faster bladder depletes.

Yes?  No?  Maybe?  Fuck off Technature?

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Overclocking hunger and thirst motives. (Goon 1) - by Technature - 03-07-2019, 11:56 PM

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