06-20-2013, 08:32 AM
Clarks Wrote:Nautilus Wrote:Hey wabash, did you know that the HoS isn't the only one that is allowed to have fun?
This from the hos who wouldn't call the shuttle because not all traitors had been captured yet.
Increased traitor rates were great. Nearly half the traitors goofed up, yet more were around to make the late round eventful. And very often traitors murdered each other for items or carelessness; it was not THAT MUCH of an added burden.
We're back to low rates, round timers are going up, and less chaos is happening. Boring, stretched out uneventful rounds.
I'd argue that with rates decreased there's more round variety. Instead of every round being a murderfest you get some quiet rounds where people just do there own thing or conduct group activities that don't involve bloody murder; while still having rounds that quickly devolve into murderfests.
Not being able to predict how a round will turn out is part of the fun. When every round is predictably "X has an Artistic Toolbox" and "HoP just got murdered by Y" and "HALP ROGUE BORGS" it actually gets quite stale, despite the chaos of individual rounds themselves.