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Improvements to the ticket and fine systems
Hello, you are hopefully aware that I post the top rated tickets and fines every month. This is partly a cry for help to make that task easier, but also some ideas to improve the system.
  • Allow for ticket voting within the round. I'm finding that most tickets don't get more than one or two votes, outside of the handful that reach numbers as high as 10 votes. At the end of the round, allow all players to vote on tickets before they are sent to goonhub, giving them a starting score other than 0.
  • Filter tickets by month on goonhub, then allow it to be sorted by score. Currently it's one big list that I'm checking the beginning and end dates for the month in, then manually looking at each ticket to check the score and sorting myself.
  • Spacebux fines?
  • Tweak the formatting of goonhub so that when copying pasting ticket details, it reads normally in plaintext. Again this is something I am currently doing manually that occupies a lot of time. Currently without formatting, each entry looks like this : Salvador Potterfined forBullying the ClownbyDick Biggs
Thanks for reading my thread

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Improvements to the ticket and fine systems - by locusts - 02-10-2019, 03:00 PM

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