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Remove mindslave wear-off warning
The message that you get when a mindslave begins to wear off is pretty dumb. It removes all of the excitement and distrust of knowing that your mindslaves will turn back on you eventually, because if you are savvy to it you can just have your implantee tell you when it starts to wear off. Also, i'm not sure if this happens already, but the time that a mindslave implant lasts could be randomized +- 5-10 minutes or so.

I think recycling implants on the same person shouldn't work either. If you want to recycle an implant, you can do it on another person, but the timer will not 'reset' on someone who has already been mindslaved. Basically, mindslave implants feel too 'safe'. An implant should give you a temporary slave, not an all-round traitor buddy.

Also, please make the message you get when a mindslave wears off in bigger text or something, I always miss it.

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