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Goonstation Hybrid Utility Program

This program is one of my first proper programs, so issues will most likely arise.
Please IM any bugs to me via the forums.


As of right now this utility is compiled through Cygwin, and therefore requires Cygwin to run.
Cygwin may be installed at:

If you do not have experience with Cygwin, I would suggest looking up an installation tutorial.
After installation, you must add the Cygwin bin directory to your computer's path. 
(There are tutorials for this as well)
The default Cygwin bin is C:\cygwin64\bin for the 64 bit installation. I have no idea what the 32 bit bin is, so the directory may be different for you.

Note: I am currently working on migrating the project to the MinGW compiler so Cygwin may not be needed for the next release.


I'm not trying to screw your computer over
Definitive Proof:

P.S. I'm still really new to C++, so don't judge my spaghetti code :P
I am open to tips for optimizing memory and formatting though. (Plz no flame)


 - Telescience (With savable coordinates :P)
 - Chemistry Recipes
 - Food Recipes
 - Drink Recipes


It's barebones, but it's super fast and uses a steady 0 CPU when idling and negligible RAM


I improve Hybrid quite frequently, so updates should be a common thing for a while.
Feature-wise everything is functional, so I'm focusing on optimization and user friendliness at the moment.

I hope this little program comes in handy for at least one person XD

Messages In This Thread
Goonstation Hybrid Utility Program - by gandalfphysicist - 12-08-2018, 12:32 AM

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