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New nuke loadouts suggestions/comments
Ranger: Lightly armored, but slightly faster
  • Rifle - Long range low caliber rifle 2 handed rifle
  • Binoculars - When held in hand, increases the amount of tiles shown on screen similar to pods
  • Stun Mines
  • Rangefinder - Let's you mark a target. While marked, shots fired from the rifle will auto target them and do additional damage. When the rifle has a viable path to hit the marked target, a red laser dot appears on their sprite

The Accountant: The Syndicate version of the clown. They're dressed in a dark business suit with a tie, with glasses and a combover. They carry a briefcase filled with
  • Stack of insurance forms - Be sure to get the team to fill them out before detonating the nuke
  • Calculator -  To add up the cost of the rockets fired
  • Cell Phone - You can't afford a blue tooth headset like the other agents
  • Red Stapler - Maybe you can hit someone with it
  • Sleepy Pen - This isn't your pen. Who did you accidentally swap pens with

Messages In This Thread
RE: New nuke loadouts suggestions/comments - by Frank_Stein - 11-15-2018, 07:51 PM

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