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Dachshundofdoom Wrote:Since when has things making sense been an important part of this game? I could list off a bunch of wacky dumb things around the station but I'm sure you can come up with examples on your own.

Flashes are fine as they are. It ain't broke, so why fix it?

Because it is broke. Flashes are overpowered relative to how common they are, I think; any old assistant could get his hands on a flash and go around murdering everyone (with the only chance of stopping him being sunglasses (which is totally fine and should not be changed)), and the only real reason for a player to not be carrying a flash is if that player didn't realize how horrible they are, or if \he just didn't give a shit (a lot of players don't, to be fair). All you really need to get one is the knowledge of where they spawn, and, even failing that, a fire extingusher to break into robotics to manufacture enough flashes to blind an army.

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