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New nuke loadouts suggestions/comments
Medic has a syringe gun, but the only medical stuff you can load into it on the shuttle is epi and charcoal, as styptic and silver both don't heal a whole lot when injected and supposedly even does tox damage. Currently the best thing to load it with from what I can tell is the cyanide you start with. Would be pretty cool if they also got bottles of stronger medical chems, such as perf or omni. And if the syndies don't get defibs already, medic class should for sure get a defib. Maybe even give them a box of synthflesh patches? You're trading away a lot of killpower for medic so they should have fairly robust medical gear.

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RE: New nuke loadouts suggestions/comments - by Flaborized - 11-14-2018, 06:11 AM

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