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Make everyone who is absorbed by the blob become part of the blob's mind
I think a good way to go about it is giving the blob an ability that lets it manifest a player as the aforementioned mob that is given one of the blob's abilities as decided by the blob, with option to repurpose them later. So you could drop someone deep inside you with the ability to create lipids to build up a storage for you while you deal with more pressing matters, or leave a few on a less intense front with the spread ability to keep pushing back against the tide of spacemen attacking there or to expand faster and make 500 tiles less of a pipe dream, or to support you on an active front at risk of them being destroyed.

Would also probably help deal with the fact that past the first minutes of being a blob, I never feel particularly constrained by the amount of Bio points I have even when dropping special tiles like mad with slime launchers going. By the first absorb on some hapless spaceman I've usually forgotten they exist entirely.

Edit: I just realised I don't actually remember if bio-points are the upgradey ones or the one's you spend when actively using abilities. I mean the actual resource you use to use abilities like creating tiles.

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RE: Make everyone who is absorbed by the blob become part of the blob's mind - by Xeram - 09-26-2018, 08:16 AM

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