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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
*Plays civilization 6*
*Checks time*
*7:00 in the morning*
Uh...I think I might have a problem...

Recusor (6)
Well, security isn't under threat anymore.
Time to treat yourself to some booze and some drugs.

Superlagg (1) against New525 (3)
You attempt to yiff the very concept of a fire nation.  Your efforts are halted by a random staff assistant hitting you with a toolbox.
What am I doing with my life?

Josh Foster
You pop out, naked as a newborn.  You spend a bit of time working your way out of unconsciousness.
After a bit of sickness, you feel a bit better.
What do nao?

FuLPaSM (Automatic Failure (Off cameras))
Wait a second...these people are trying to blow up the station, but with what?  There's got to be a bomb SOMEWHERE, right?
You use logic to figure out the possible locations (6).
None of your cameras show the nuke in any see-able location.  Thus, it has to be hidden somewhere.  Confirming known nuke op locations.
Most likely locations, assuming it's on the station, would be anywhere between their original entry point in security and their current location inside robotics.  Considering it's not on cameras, it's either inside of a locker or inside of a room you cannot see.  The Operatives don't seem to have a locker nearby they're he's protecting, though the possibility isn't completely ruled out.
Most likely possibility:They forgot about it.  This is some pretty bad fluke ops.
In the mean time, you call the shuttle.

Flesh Utopia (I know you're a clown but you're askin the impossible mate)
Quote:He manages to take out damn near everyone nearby, excluding a security officer, the HoS, the weird doctor, and a few other stragglers.
Man, that explosion must of REALLY FUCKING HURT to make you think you were dead and could ghost drone.  (Disease) You start to feel a bit better.  (Other disease) You also feel like quoting Shakespeare.
Uh oh...

Highlander (ded)
You chat with the dead people, some you personally killed, and a few other people.
Few have nice things to say about the...I guess the doctor is actually the clown?  Weird.
Anyway, you bust some moves on the dance floor AI.  Just cause you can, of course.

Blitzen (Flashbanged,6)
God, this explosive shit has to stop.  You yell at Highlander to stop with that...
...Oh.  Right.
You decide to take your anger out on whatever poor bastard you can place your hand on.  Amazingly, it happens to be the HoS.  This could be good actually.  You demand to know the location of the Disk location.
Apparently, someone in science is attempting to use the teleporter to keep the captain as far away from you as possible.
This could be an issue.

Weird Timer:9

The emergency shuttle has been called.  The shuttle will arrive within 6 minutes.  If the nuke is allowed to be armed within this time, the shuttle will go back.  That thing's worth more than literally all of you combined.

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RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Technature - 09-15-2018, 04:19 AM

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