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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
My apologies, I was busy yesterday and the first thing I wanted to do was sleep when I got home.
On with the game.

FuLPaSM the Butt-bot (6)
You chirp the word "butt".  Adorable...?

Superlagg (1)
That appeal was so bad.  There was so much insulting.  Jesus christ.
I mean, holy shit, Pope crunch went on a beautiful rant about it.
The amazing thing is this all somehow happened within 60 seconds.
Needless to say, it was moved to the "No" subforum.

Recusor (1) against Highlander (4)
Gotta check what's going on.  Corpses don't drag themselves.
...or do they?
.........No, you think you remember basic training saying they don't.
You run as quick as you can and aim...roughly above where'd you imagine the corpse would be at that speed.
*Direct hit*
You manage to get a good shot in some bastards arms, causing him to drop the body immediately and scream.

With the bad guy distracted by something your cameras can't see in the back of security, you take this opportunity to drag the only other body that was there.
You remember there being at least two shotgunned people but whatever.
After you get it to medbay, you notice a decent number of people in strange clothing.  Apparently, they're the officers that were blown up before waiting on gear from QM.
Oh right, didn't code nuclear protocol state somewhere that all security needs to get scanned in the cloner ASAP?  Man, good thing some people actually reads those things.

Manne Love (Effortless, but take a 3 anyway.)
There's apparently not that much to do beyond security.  The biggest problem is above and inside the kitchen, which still has a bit of rubble and some broken lights.  Apparently, you need oxygen for in there because no one prepped anyone on actually restoring oxygen to space exposed areas.

Flesh Utopia (2)
Man.  That was weird.  Whelp, time to drink some blo-, that was weird...apparently, some of security is in medbay.
Apparently, medbay seems kind of sick of you being there.
You're laying outside medbay, just recovering from a stun stick to the face.

Josh Foster
You successfully join as a geneticist.
Apparently, nuke ops are attacking the station.  That's less than okay.

Blitzen (4)
You think this will work...
"Hey.  You there?"
No response.
"Well, back to the drawi-"
HI THERE!?!  How are yooooooo?", uh...

Agent 6 feet under...9...gravestones?
You fart on blitzen.
...oh?  You feel yourself being pulled from the afterlife.
Your circuits seem to have a really hard time keeping up with the information intake...
It seems your (presumably) creator said hello.
You attempt to answer in a calm manner.  It doesn't work well.
You feel less stable than you probably should.

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RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Technature - 09-05-2018, 01:13 AM

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