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Is it just me or is disarm intent useless now?
You know, I've kind of started using grab now as my go to alternative to harm. I figure I can use it to wrestle hold them and do a flip or choke.

I don't know if diarms success rate has changed, but I kinda think maybe what disarm does can be rethought

I never liked that you had a good chance to just knock someone's weapon out of their hand, shove them down, and murder them with said weapon.

Like, I feel like their should be a bit more of a strategy to disarms. Like if it took into account which angle of direction the attack came from in relation to the players sprite (Disarms having more of a chance on the left or right side of a sprite depending on hand being used, disarms from behind being stuns to the floor, front facing attacks spinning the enemies facing direction.)

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RE: Is it just me or is disarm intent useless now? - by Frank_Stein - 09-04-2018, 06:28 PM

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