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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
Admin's Current mood (3):Okay i guess?

Recusor (3)
Taking a quick look, it appears that the walls seperating podbay from the brig's general area, as well as the armory walls, have been blown apart.
You take a quick look at what the heavily armed people are doing.
oh shit
that sounded like broken glass
It's possible one of them heard you, but a hiding spot probably wouldn't hurt.
Either way, you're not 100% sure what they're doing.  Since the station IS under nuclear alert, there's a good chance these are the nuclear operatives attacking the station.

Flesh Utopia (6) against Dan Kelly (5)
Flesh Utopia feels better than usual (Disease).
Oh shit are those two high numbers?  Shit gonna get epic?
Before the fight starts proper, Both Flesh and Dan prepare.  After preparations...
Health Comparisons:Flesh Utopia (Healthy) against Dan Kelly (Horribly Injured).  +2 Advantage
Other factors:Stimulative drugs.  Lots of them.  +2
Reputation:Seems nearby people hate both of them...

In the ensuing fight, Flesh manages to get an advantage over Dan, but takes pretty heavy damage in the process.
Dan has entered critical condition.........
Shortly afterwards, both seem to receive a message.  An admin lists off a couple of incidents that ended in the deaths or possible round ruining situations for people.
"Seeing as you're not an antag, I need to have an explanation of what happened."
Dan was healed, but will go back into crit shortly afterward.

FuLPaSM (3)
You bolt the robotics bay from the chaos ensuing in medbay.  For their safety.  And nothing else.
In the meantime, you send a shell to steal borrow materials from cargo.
"What are you doing?"
".........I need this."
"I need it more."
"No you don't."
"I order you to put it back."
"...............stupid law 2."
You were unable to procure more materials.
You send off an adminhelp real quick.
"Okay, I'll look into it."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Technature - 08-28-2018, 12:57 AM

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