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Vampire Revamp
So, this was based off a discussion we had in Discord yesterday. A few of us felt that the vampire could use a bit of a rework, so we started brainstorming ideas to possibly stick into a patch and make it feel a bit more of a unique antag.

As is, the main problem seems to be it's not very vampire-like. Some suggestions that were made already -

  • Draining blood could turn the player into a zombie - mbc
    Possibly similar to the changeling's ability to have players as part of its hivemind, the vampire could have the choice to bring its drained victim back as some kind of weak thrall. They'd probably need to be very obvious, and not be as good as a regular person so as to not invalidate thrall
  • sucking the heat out of the air and slowing everyone in the vicinity down would be neat - Rookie
    If paired with the vampire having a resistance to the cold, this could be a very useful way to slow people down, or to let the vampire escape more easily.
  • Make it so vampires can only be killed by a wooden stake through the heart and only if they're already recovering in their coffin - Noah Butts
    My takeaway from this was for the vampire to have a coffin that it places, so that each time the vampire is killed, it slowly starts to regenerate in its coffin, a bit like a cloner. This would definitely make it more classical vampire like, requiring a search of the station to find where the coffin is, and destroy it/kill the vamp inside it. In order to stop it just putting it somewhere unreachable, maybe forcing it to be on the same z-level, or have the vampire place it at roundstart, similar to a blob.
  • immune to poisons due to their systems being shut down so nothing would really go through their body - Drago
    Maybe not being immune, but possibly having some resistance. If you have a ling and a vampire meet 1 on 1, then it's probably going to end up with the vamp being eaten by the ling, because even a rather powered up vamp can't do a huge amount about the neurotoxin sting.
  • maybe the detective can get a set of vampire hunting gear - Drago
    Not really specific to the vampire, but maybe something fun if the vamp needs to be staked.
  • Blood Regen
    Similar to the blob, changing the vampire blood mechanic so that they regen blood points up to the total they've absorbed over the round.
  • Corrupting the chapel
    Once the vampire gets to 1000 blood, they can place a 'mark' inside the chapel, that the vampire can grow through some mean. Once the chapel is corrupted, a disaster lite starts. The shuttle is called, robots are emagged, wraiths can appear, and mobs friendly to the vampire and hostile to players appear.
  • Dominance
    The ability to make mobs such as skeletons, zombies, monkeys, etc friendly towards you.
  • Weakness to fire
    Similar to lings, fire affects vampires more severely.
  • Anaerobic metabolism
    Vampires are dead, so they shouldn't need to breathe
  • Escaping handcuffs
    Similar to a ling changing their arms and escaping handcuffs, a vampire turning their hands to mist to do the same
  • Glide
    A toggleable ability that allows them to ignore floor hazards, such as banana peels, ice, etc
  • Eating ghosts
    Giving vampires the ability to see (and eat) ghosts, restoring blood points. This turns the ghost into a 'lost soul', and cannot be eaten again
  • Bringing the dead back as ghouls
    Similar to draining their blood turning them into a zombie, but as a separate ability that can bring any dead into a non-contagious zombie
  • Turning into a beast
    Similar to the ling's ability to turn into a horror, when the vampire gets 1000 BP they could turn into their own form of monstrosity - Dealing massive bleeding, and summoning monsters.
  • Allying with Wraiths
    As both wraiths and vampires are undead, they have a natural alliance. They could communicate and team up.
  • Creating a cloud of fog
  • Being able to dash
  • Using coffins as teleporters
  • Vampire activation only happening after the antag's first death
  • Special anti vampire armory equipment

If you have any more ideas, please feel free to chuck them in here!

Messages In This Thread
Vampire Revamp - by Stryxic - 08-27-2018, 02:12 PM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by kyle2143 - 08-27-2018, 02:26 PM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by CandleCandleCandles - 08-28-2018, 12:46 PM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by Wraithcraft - 08-28-2018, 05:24 PM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by Frank_Stein - 08-28-2018, 08:06 PM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by LovelyMimic - 08-29-2018, 09:15 AM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by warcrimes - 08-29-2018, 09:25 AM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by MrMagolor - 09-04-2018, 09:14 AM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by Stryxic - 09-04-2018, 11:59 AM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by Lady Birb - 09-04-2018, 02:37 PM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by Recusor - 09-04-2018, 03:04 PM
RE: Vampire Revamp - by Stryxic - 09-04-2018, 03:49 PM

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