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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
We have been compromised and there is still one podbay left, but I have a plan.

  1. Yell at 69 to stop being useless and find the motherfucking captain already
  2. Get back into the syndie pod and fly to the security podbay
  3. Plant a breaching charge on the bay doors. No time for subtlety anymore
  4. Throw a sarin grenade into the podbay and take cover inside our pod
  5. Once the gas has dissipated, enter the podbay and plant a breaching charge directly onto the engines of both of the security pods
  6. Get the hell out of there and pray that 69 has found the captain by then
Unless Blitzen comes up with a better plan, I do the above.

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RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Lady Birb - 08-13-2018, 01:07 AM

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