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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
I would like to update the game.

Technature (1)
You completely forget that you had something to do today.  You decided to spend time on something else instead.  You wouldn't realize you forgot anything at all until halfway through your work day.
You feel bad about this.  -1 happiness.

With power gone and security too high for anyone to care about you, going into EVA and grabbing yourself an oxygen powered jetpack was effortless.

You take a look at the engine.  It appears to be working at high capacity.  Despite this, according to your data every single APC on the station is completely drained of power and isn't receiving any more.  Every single SMES appears to be empty as well.

Highlander (6)
You aim and fire the rocket right at the station.  It appears to have made a giant hole inside the maintenance tunnel and a smaller one into the kitchen.
You don't see the captain.

Flesh Utopia (4)
You feel a need to annoy the bartender again.  Fastest way there is to ride disposals and hope it's not open.
*pipe banging noises*
You get launched into disposals.  Good news.  Not only is it closed, the belts don't seem to be moving either.
Bad news, the only door out isn't open.  And sadly, you don't have a crowbar.
Or anything really, for that matter.

Alert.  Due to an explosion detected upon the station, security level has been upgraded to Orange alert.  This is not a drill.  I repeat, due to an explosion...

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RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Technature - 08-06-2018, 10:57 PM

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