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Non-Antag Crime on Goon1 RP server
I noticed not a lot goes on in 1, so I tend to try to do things that cause minor problems to make things interesting.

I've stolen stuff to make and sell weed, I've snuck Space Drug Ice Cream into the dining room, I stole a mop and bucket from the janitor and crushed it in retaliation to slipping on water without a sign, I stole a labeler and marked every door I could as a security area, very silly small things.

That janitor thing did end with me dying, but it was my fault anyways all security's fault for not confiscating my belt of tools to break out of the brig.

Anyways, this reminded me of a bug I need to report.

Messages In This Thread
Non-Antag Crime on Goon1 RP server - by kyle2143 - 08-06-2018, 05:35 PM
RE: Non-Antag Crime on Goon1 RP server - by Technature - 08-06-2018, 10:11 PM
RE: Non-Antag Crime on Goon1 RP server - by Avack - 08-07-2018, 10:08 AM

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