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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
Recusor (4)
You quickly run the other direction and hide in the Sauna in the hope that the heat dies down.
The irony is not lost on you.
In the meantime, you bug the AI via PDA if there's an easy place to find an emergency oxygen tank.
"(Query:Have you tried the emergency oxygen lockers?)"
You're not sure what you expected.

Flesh Utopia (6)
You have all sorts of things you feel like doing.
Unfortunately, the cloning process isn't quite done yet.
The immediate area seems relatively uninhabited.

FuLPaSM (3)
You decide to ask a roboticist if they can make a cyborg body for now.
It takes a lot of begging and groveling, but he eventually concedes to it.  However, the starting cyborg parts appear to have been used already.
In the meantime, the robotics manufacturer gets turned on to create the new borg parts.

Montgommery Scott
After assessing the damages, you grab some materials and get to work on the bar.  Since the damage is relatively minor, you get it done pretty quickly (2, +1).  After asking, the Bartender makes an old fashioned as payment.

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RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Technature - 08-02-2018, 10:59 PM

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