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Staff complaint: flourish, LLJK2, 7/31/2018
The issue is that we didn't write our rules with the majority of people in mind. We wrote the rules with the specific intent to make sure everybody can have as good a time as we can manage. You not being allowed to call people slurs, whether or not you think they are slurs, or compare yourself to Stalin might make you a little unhappy, but a player who happens to be dealing with asperger syndrome, or happens to be a transperson, or happens to be gay, or i don't know maybe their grandfather died in political purges - it can make them feel really unwelcome and like they aren't seen as as much of a person as people who aren't dealing with those issues. In the grand scheme of things, we'd rather you be asked to deal with keeping your communication in check than that they be asked to deal with their validity as a person being called into question.

In a way, I sort of hope this makes no sense to you. I hope you don't have anything you're dealing with in your life that can make you feel less valued because someone said an internet word at you. But the majority of our playerbase (when the rules were rewritten to codify our stance against all forms of bigoted speech, it was with the active input and enthusiastic agreement of our players) either DOES have issues like that to deal with, or knows someone that does, or otherwise feels compassion with folks in that role, so they're very willing to make that extremely small adjustment to their behavior to avoid making someone feel like crap because of who they are.

If it DOES make sense to you, then obviously that's fine too. I hope nobody makes you feel rotten about yourself. All we ask is that you follow our rules so you don't make anyone else feel rotten about themselves whether you intended it or not.

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RE: Staff complaint: flourish, LLJK2, 7/31/2018 - by popecrunch - 07-31-2018, 03:33 PM

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